Sermons & Speeches…
TED Talk – Mind the Gap
Confronting the racial wealth gap and wealth inequality.
Impact of Generational Wealth Gap
KCCI News – Des Moines, IA
Sermon Message – Mythbusters
Uncovering Common Myths About Money. – New City Church – Des Moines, IA
How to increase your income
Married Life Conference – Life Line Church – Chicago, IL
Your Mediocre Life is Insulting to God
It never ceases to amaze me at the sheer enormity of people that decide on a day by day basis to make choices that all but ensure that their deepest hopes and dreams never amount to anything. Well Efrem, some will say you just don’t understand, I have...
3 Reasons Stupid People Make More Money Than You
“Why does this idiot make more money than me?” Go ahead and admit it, you know you have had that thought at least once in your lifetime. Maybe it was a boss, a co-worker or some reality TV personality you saw on cable that made you utter that famous phrase. What could...
What Financial Advice Are You Most Thankful For?
The turkey is perfectly cooked, the mac & cheese is extra gooey and the cakes and pies taste just as sweet as you imagined they would. For most people Thanksgiving is all about the food. Yes I can hear you saying “Well what about family”. Family is great but let’s...
Stop Burying Your Talents
And the one also who had received the one talent came up and said, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow and gathering were you scattered no seed. And I was afraid, and went away and hid your talent in the ground. See, you have what is...
Feeling Stuck Pursuing Your Dream? Start Where You Are!
Undoubtedly one of the questions I hear the most as it relates to going after your dreams and fulfilling the call of God on your life is… How do I get started? Trust me I understand, between work, kids, marriage, bills, trying to eat right, and the occasional family...
Become Debt Free & Say Yes to the Things That Matter!
As a parent to three energetic children (7, 4 & 2) I have quickly discovered that my new favorite word has become NO! No don’t touch that, no you can’t have ice-cream for breakfast, no you can’t shoot the cat with your Nerf gun, and no we will not watch the...
In episode #5 of the Wealth Exchange Podcast join me as I talk with guest Deshara BoHanna as she tells her story of being a single mother entrepreneur and how she is winning due to her faith in God.
In episode #4 of the Wealth Exchange Podcast join me as I talk with guest Mensur Pudic from Simply-Motivated as we discuss how to lead lives of purpose and intent.
Guess Appearance