Sermons & Speeches…
TED Talk – Mind the Gap
Confronting the racial wealth gap and wealth inequality.
Impact of Generational Wealth Gap
KCCI News – Des Moines, IA
Sermon Message – Mythbusters
Uncovering Common Myths About Money. – New City Church – Des Moines, IA
How to increase your income
Married Life Conference – Life Line Church – Chicago, IL
God’s Financial Assurances
You may, in the course of life, find yourself faced with financial uncertainty or hardship. You may be losing the battle against debt, unable to cover an emergency expense, or you may simply be reaping the consequences of uncontrolled spending or poor financial...
The 3 Lies of Materialism
Americans are bombarded with advertisements and other media messages telling us to consume. There is always a new thing to buy, and there is always a new line of credit with which to buy it. It’s a never-ending cycle, because no matter how much we buy, we always want...
Financial Unity in Marriage
Most couples fight about finances. We have an unhealthy preoccupation with money. We’re always thinking about how we can earn more, save more, or spend more (or less). Unfortunately, we’re usually not overly concerned with how we can give more, but that’s another...
Getting your finances in order? Where should a Christian begin?
I often get asked where should a person begin when they want to get their finances in order. Watch an exert from my talk at Life Line Church in Chicago where I answer this question. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdH3noSXIFY
What Does Being Free to Serve Mean?
[video width="1334" height="750" mp4="http://www.freetoserve.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Free-To-Serve-SD_x264.mp4" webm="http://www.freetoserve.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Free-To-Serve-SD_VP8.webm"...
How to Increase Your Income
Did you know that just making an extra $100- $500 a month could dramatically change your current financial situation and even future retirement plans? If you are like most people you fantasize about what making an few extra bucks on the side but just don't know how....
In episode #5 of the Wealth Exchange Podcast join me as I talk with guest Deshara BoHanna as she tells her story of being a single mother entrepreneur and how she is winning due to her faith in God.
In episode #4 of the Wealth Exchange Podcast join me as I talk with guest Mensur Pudic from Simply-Motivated as we discuss how to lead lives of purpose and intent.
Guess Appearance