Sermons & Speeches…
TED Talk – Mind the Gap
Confronting the racial wealth gap and wealth inequality.
Impact of Generational Wealth Gap
KCCI News – Des Moines, IA
Sermon Message – Mythbusters
Uncovering Common Myths About Money. – New City Church – Des Moines, IA
How to increase your income
Married Life Conference – Life Line Church – Chicago, IL
Episode 3: More Than A Mom. A Message For Mothers That Want It All!
Check out the latest video just in time for Mother's Day. In this episode I talk about being a Mom and chasing after your calling. You are mom yes, but you are so much more. If you enjoy the video please like and share with a mother that may need to hear this message....
How to Get Started Chasing Your Dream?
Undoubtedly one of the questions I hear the most as it relates to going after your dreams and fulfilling the call of God on your life is… How do I get started? Watch this video and find out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Tf97HB_Pns
FREE TO GIVE – ( How to Give Freely)
“For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” -Nelson Mandela I attended a church service one Sunday that changed my view on possessions. After each mass, we have a discussion about...
Missed Opportunities
Have you ever wondered why some people miss out on great opportunities and some people seem to find them where ever they go? Check out the latest video from Efrem with Free to Serve and find out why. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl5epW2RsDI
3 Signs Money is Mastering You!
Money can be a brutal master. The implications of letting your money master you has affects both on your spiritual health and your lifestyle. For instance, idolizing wealth can distract you from your walk of faith while also leading you to make poor spending choices....
Budgeting for God
In America, we max out our budgets. Every dollar we earn is spoken for before the direct deposit hits our accounts, which leaves no room for saving and investing in the future. Most importantly, that kind of financial strategy leaves no room for God. Not many of us...
In episode #5 of the Wealth Exchange Podcast join me as I talk with guest Deshara BoHanna as she tells her story of being a single mother entrepreneur and how she is winning due to her faith in God.
In episode #4 of the Wealth Exchange Podcast join me as I talk with guest Mensur Pudic from Simply-Motivated as we discuss how to lead lives of purpose and intent.